Financial advice for real estate

Tighter conditions on the money market, turbulence on the capital market and changes to general statutory conditions such as the introduction of the interest ceiling rule in Germany mean that a well-balanced financing structure has become an important factor for the success of real estate companies. PwC can help you lever potential into financing and in this way increase the success of your company.

Loan defaults in the US subprime segment have caused a loss in confidence and considerably restricted the possibilities of attractive refinancing on the capital market by securitization. In the case of traditional loans, banks have reacted with increased equity demands, higher lending rates and a generally more restrictive lending policy. Legal regulations such as the interest ceiling rule which limits the tax deductibility of interest rates on borrowing represent additional hurdles for companies in the real estate sector.

In the sector of real estate financing, PwC advises real estate companies on all aspects of acquisition financing, financial restructuring and refinancing.

The main areas of our advisory services include:

  • Restructuring of real estate financing and advice on NPL (non-performing loan) transactions
  • Analysis of existing financing of real estate companies and projects
  • Structuring of financing for acquisitions and refinancing
  • Loan appraisal
  • Determination and appraisal of action possibilities for financing
  • Alternative financing instruments and fund concepts (including sale and lease back, IPO, REIT).

For these tasks, PwC provides interdisciplinary teams of specialists from the sectors of real estate industry, banking, financing, corporate finance and tax consulting. PwC responds to individual project and customer requirements with optimum project team selection and tailor-made solutions.

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Contact us

Rita Marie Roland

Rita Marie Roland

Partnerin, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 160 96905846

Tim Leitzke

Tim Leitzke

Partner, Deals, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 151 10019878
