Digital Services for Accounting and Reporting

Your expert for questions

Björn Seidel ist Ihr Experte für die Strukturierung von Transaktionen und Geschäftsvorfällen bei PwC Deutschland

Björn Seidel
Partner, PwC Germany

Support for the digitalization of accounting and financial reporting

Accounting and reporting regulations are complex as it is. With increasing digitalization, which has also fully taken hold of finance and accounting, companies are now facing yet another challenge. PwC experts support you in ensuring that the step towards digital accounting and reporting is successful.

Our service at a glance

The challenge

Do you want to digitize your finance and accounting to increase efficiencies, reduce costs and remain competitive? This is a major topic for many companies at the moment, and it's not just the CFO who is concerned. In order to put the concept of "digital finance" into practice, existing system and process landscapes must be adapted and new ones created. This requires specialist know-how in IT and accounting.

What we offer

The experts from Capital Markets & Accounting Advisory Services (CMAAS) at PwC accompany companies on their way to the digital future of finance and accounting. We support organizations with innovations in accounting, such as changes to accounting regulations or the conversion to new standards. Our experts optimize and automate existing process and system landscapes in finance. In addition to our broad expertise, we rely on software solutions (such as solutions for specific accounting issues, financial statement preparation and reporting, the latest knowledge management or document analysis) and new technologies such as artificial intelligence or robotic process automation (RPA). On the one hand, we have self-developed solutions, and on the other hand, we advise on solutions in the market. Of course, only if this is possible in a compliant manner. We not only offer the software, but also support the implementation as part of a software-as-a-service model. We also have cooperation agreements with software providers.

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Contact us

Björn Seidel

Björn Seidel

Partner, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 170 5697517
