Supervisory Board Members

We support you with your diverse tasks as a member of a Supervisory Body. No matter which industry you are active in.

Your expert for questions

Dr. Henning Hönsch
Leader Board Services at PwC Germany
Tel: +49 160 9698-6402

We help you focus on the essentials

The public eye is more than ever focused on the work carried out by Supervisory Boards, Advisory Boards and Administrative Boards. At the same time, Supervisory Bodies are increasingly fulfilling their role as advisors to the Management Board. With our Boardroom-Supervisory Board program, we offer you the latest news, information as well as advisory services tailored to your needs as a Supervisory Board member. 

“Supervisory Board members are expecting both from our consultancy services: sound knowledge and concise communication. The Supervisory Board members trust in us is an incentive and a reward for our work.”

Dr. Henning Hönsch,Leader Board Services at PwC Germany

Board Services – our services

Self-assessments according to D.12 GCGC and assessments according to section 25d of the German Banking Act (KWG).

Economic and regulatory questions, liability prevention and expert opinions on directors’ and officers’ liability.

Design and benchmarking of Management Board and Supervisory Board remuneration.

Individual introduction and training seminars for Supervisory Board members and whole bodies.

Relief for your Board Organisation through our qualified experts.

The ESG Workshop for Corporate Secretaries and the Board Office.

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Digital products & tools for Board Services

PwC Boardroom App

PwC Boardroom App

The free app for Supervisory Board members offers practical knowledge and tips for Supervisory Board tasks. Via push-notifications we inform you about relevant news regarding Supervisory Board tasks.

You can download the app on your smartphone or your tablet, or you can access the WebApp directly through your browser. 

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Contact us

Dr. Henning Hönsch

Dr. Henning Hönsch

Board Services, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 160 9698-6402

Martin Kaspar

Martin Kaspar

Director, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 151 18235382