Easy innovation in the cloud

Use the cloud as a driver of innovation

More than ever, companies and organisations across all industries are being faced with the challenge of digitising their business models. The life cycles of products and the time to market are diminishing while globalisation and digitisation intensify competition. Customers have much higher expectations and are used to accessing all of the services which are relevant to them from any location with just a few clicks.

The cloud is at the core of these developments. Without it, there would be no video or music streaming, no industrial Internet of Things, and no such marked trend towards a service-oriented economy. We help you take full advantage of the cloud's potential and usher your business into the future using this technology.

Tap into the potential of the cloud with PwC

Acquiring need-based IT resources

Corporate IT is now much closer to the business than it was several years ago. It plays a substantial role in the implementation of new business models. At the same time, however, it is exposed to much greater momentum. Cloud computing helps make this momentum manageable for companies, which can now procure IT resources fully automatically, immediately, and on a self-service basis. Payment for these resources is use-based. In addition to the resources being flexibly scalable, you benefit from invoicing which reflects your actual usage.

Using new technologies immediately – Anything as a service 

The cloud has paved the way for a service economy which companies can specifically use to their own benefit. Nearly all modern technology can now be purchased as a service from the cloud, whether it be Artificial Intelligence applications, platforms for the storage and evaluation of the sensor data of your machinery, or analytics solutions for the analysis of your customer feedback. The broad range of available services enables the direct usage of state-of-the-art technology without being forced to first make investments in infrastructure.

Testing and quickly implementing ideas

Cloud services cannot only be purchased quickly – they can also be discontinued just as fast. They are ideally suited for evaluating new ideas at a high speed with low risk. Thus, cloud computing creates a new foundation for the prototyping of IT-driven, business-oriented processes and solutions. The implementation of a proof of concepts (PoC) helps you assess the opportunities and challenges which new innovations pose for your organisation. In this way, you can clearly identify and purposefully refine promising ideas to move your business forward.

Initial steps for a successful cloud transformation

Do you plan to migrate your IT infrastructure into the cloud? Do you want to enhance your business with cloud services? We provide assistance throughout all phases of the transformation process. For this purpose, we have developed a five-step approach which we use to accompany you into the cloud systematically, quickly, and cost-effectively.

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Rely on the cloud experience of PwC

Combined cloud expertise from a single source

Our experienced teams can demonstrate numerous successful cloud implementations. Their track record ranges from small domestic projects in an environment characterised by middle-market companies to major international projects at a corporate level. We have both the technical and economic expertise to make your cloud project successful. Depending on your requirements, we bring specialists with cloud experience from our PwC network into the team to handle legal, tax-specific, or compliance-related issues.

Sound market knowledge and alliances with hyperscalers

We are very familiar with the mechanisms of the cloud market and have a deep understanding of all common requirements and supply structures. For example, we do not only assist companies with their cloud implementation, we also support cloud service providers with their certifications. We employ our knowledge of both of these aspects in our consulting services to the advantage of both sides. We maintain alliances with all relevant hyperscalers such as Amazon, Microsoft, and Google but always act as independent consultants.

We know what affects your industry

More than just technical expertise is needed to take full advantage of the cloud's potential for innovation. In fact, it is a matter of utilising the opportunities offered by the technology to the greatest benefit of each individual business. We have extensive industry expertise and a sound grasp of the business models and processes of our customers. We will work with you to explore which cloud innovations would have the biggest impact on your situation – and would really push your business forward.

The cloud is the foundation for the service-oriented economy. In order to remain competitive, companies must take full advantage of the potential for innovation provided by cross-sectional technology.

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