Transparent savings thanks to needs-based cloud resources

Reduce your IT costs with the help of the cloud

Cloud computing promises tremendous potential for savings by calling up needs-based IT resources. However, nowhere near all organisations are able to take full advantage of this potential in practice. A pathway into the cloud does not automatically lead to lower costs. In fact, a variety of parameters have to be set correctly, including the design of efficient architecture, the selection of the right service providers, efficient cost management, and suitable internal charging models.

The cloud experts at PwC help you maintain a transparent overview of the costs and take full advantage of the cloud's potential for savings, e.g. with a sophisticated architectural design, contractual arrangements which are exactly tailored to your situation, and the respective tax consulting.

Capitalise on the flexibility of cloud computing

Coordinating IT resources with your actual needs

The basic promise of the cloud is reducing IT costs through the needs-based use of IT resources. But what exactly does “needs-based” mean in this context? This question is not always easy to answer in practice. Companies not only have to consider a series of factors against the backdrop of their business and IT strategy to specify the necessary infrastructure, platform, and software components. They also have to define mechanisms for modifications. After all, their needs change over time. From a financial point of view, the cloud's potential can only be utilised when the scaling possibilities are exhausted to the greatest extent possible.

Minimising financial risks for new developments

Nearly every current business innovation is accompanied by requirements for its IT. The virtualised IT resources of the cloud allow companies to keep up with increasingly fast-paced progress and provide the required IT solutions on short notice. They also minimise the financial risk since major investments in hardware and software are dispensed with and the cloud-based IT can be downsized as quickly as it was set up. Therefore, in order to be prepared for all eventualities, the cloud strategy should not only consider the set-up and scalability of new solutions. Instead, from the very beginning it should also take the downsizing of resources which are no longer required into account.

Reducing staff workload and concentrating on the core business

You do not need to operate your own computer center, even if your IT plays a central role for your business. Every company with a fleet of vehicles certainly does not maintain its own mechanic's workshop. Migrating into the cloud reduces the workload of your administrators and IT professionals since they no longer have to deal with the low-level maintenance of IT infrastructure. Instead, you have more human resources at your disposal to promote the digitisation of the core business.

Cloud Sourcing – professional support for procurement

The selection of service providers is a significant factor in cost-efficient cloud computing. We help you acquire suitable cloud service providers at the most favorable conditions, set up procurement processes based on your cloud strategy, and optimise your IT purchasing.

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Reduce your cloud costs with PwC

Comprehensive consultation – from the architectural design down to taxes

The cloud-experienced teams at PwC use a holistic approach to make your cloud project successful. From the very beginning, we consider the financial implications arising from certain architectural decisions, how the cloud strategy interacts with your business and IT strategy, and how efficient cost management can be ensured in the long term. In addition, we contribute legal and tax expertise and provide expert consulting for all issues relating to compliance-specific aspects.

Professional support for service provider selection and contractual design

As independent consultants, we help you securely set up a highly available IT infrastructure at the lowest possible price – and customise it to reflect your needs. We are very familiar with all common requirements and supply structures. We collaborate with you to explore whether a specialised service provider for certain cloud services such as storage would be advantageous in your situation or if working with a universal provider would be more favorable. We know the entire service provider landscape and maintain alliances with all the relevant hyperscalers such as Amazon, Microsoft, and Google.

Industry experience for the success of your business case

Our interdisciplinary teams do not just provide the required technical and business expertise to make your pathway into the cloud successful. As auditors and consultants, we also have a deep understanding of our customers' internal processes, as well as of industry-specific challenges and opportunities. With our comprehensive view of IT, organisation, and business, we work with you to explore how your business case can be best realised in the cloud.

The cloud's full potential for savings can only be exploited using an interdisciplinary approach. To achieve this, technical expertise, business knowledge and especially a deep understanding for the business and the industry must intertwine seamlessly.

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