Digital Forensics & eDiscovery

Customised eDiscovery Services

Our expert for questions

Anita Kim-Reinartz, Leader Forensic Services at PwC Germany

Anita Kim-Reinartz
Leader Forensic Services at PwC Germany
Tel: +49 160 94412272

From Partial to Holistic Support – Our Formula for Success

From our experience we know that no two cases are alike. For this reason, we have positioned and established ourselves as an objective partner in the field of Digital Forensics. Our international team provides professional consultation and support for your individual electronic discovery (eDiscovery).

We assist you with customised solutions along the entire value chain of your eDiscovery: from the initial consultation regarding the required data governance to forensic data collections and the necessary processes to review documents, up to final reporting. 

Our team of experienced eDiscovery professionals offers the necessary forensic expertise and technological competence to successfully complete your specific case.

We accompany you throughout the entire eDiscovery process, provide smart tools, and help in optimising operations to ensure that you always have all the relevant information to achieve compliant and legally incontestable results at your disposal. Fast, scalable, efficient, and worldwide.

Three Arguments Which Speak for Our eDiscovery Services


Our team provides your company with their long-time forensic experience and the highest level of technical competence.


We compile suitable technological solutions based on your needs in an individual package of forensic services to meet your specific requirements.


We employ innovative and robust methods to face challenges such as the scope of investigation and efficiency. 

Does your company need...

... Comprehensive eDiscovery support?

We take care of your entire eDiscovery case for you – ranging from forensic data preservation, processing and analysis, up to the documentation of the methods and results in a form which will stand up in court.

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... A platform to be able to carry out your investigation yourself?

Connected eDiscovery makes the tools required for each phase available on a platform while also providing needs-based access to the professional expertise of our forensic specialists.

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... Support for your eDiscovery solutions and processes?

Our team supports you in establishing your eDiscovery skills, exploiting the full potential of your existing solutions, and optimising existing processes, methods, and technologies.

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... Competent and scalable support for the review of documents?

Take advantage of our extensive experience, cross-sectoral expertise and speed with regard to scalability, as well as the closely coordinated execution of document review.

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Anita Kim-Reinartz

Anita Kim-Reinartz

Partner, Leader Forensic Services, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 160 94412272