Maria Milanovic is a Partner in the Indirect Tax Consulting group at PwC in Frankfurt. She is a lawyer and tax advisor and has been working in tax consulting since 2005.
Maria Milanovic’s focus is on the following areas: VAT support and advice to national and international clients across all industries, conducting VAT reviews, appeal proceedings, client training, risk analyses, and supervision of external audits, extensive experience in the analysis and optimisation of internal VAT-relevant business processes in connection with the development and implementation of a tax compliance management system, as well as VAT advice in restructuring, reorganisation, and insolvency cases.
Languages: German, English
Memberships: Hamburger Kreis für Sanierungs- und Insolvenzsteuerrecht e.V. (The Hamburger Kreis is a non-profit organization with the aim of promoting the harmonization of insolvency and tax law.)