Michael Fuhr

Michael Fuhr

Partner, Business Owner PwC Tax Controls

Munich, PwC Germany

Michael Fuhr is the contact person for tax requirements and processes in SAP with more than 10 years of implementation experience for clients up to the GoLive of the solution. He is responsible for implementing automated tax controls (PwC Tax Controls) in PwC clients' systems.

Michael Fuhr is co-responsible for the German Indirect Tax Technology practice and part of PwC's global ERP initiative, which implements cross-tax type requirements for PwC clients in their systems. Michael represents PwC in the Institute for Digitisation in Tax Law (IDSt) in Expert Committee III (Head: Jan Körner) and is the contact person for e-invoicing and e-reporting at PwC Germany. As co-author of the book "Tax with S/4HANA", Michael shares his experiences with readers.

Languages: German, English, French

Mentions: JUVE 2022 (leading advisors in tax technology)

Memberships: IDSt Fachausschuss III "Standardisierung transaktionaler Informationspflichten"

At a glance

Areas of focus

  • Indirect Tax
  • SAP S/4HANA Transformation
  • Tax advice for companies
  • E-Invoicing and E-Reporting


  • Since 2023: Indirect Tax Technology, PwC
  • Until 2023: Indirect Tax Technology/SAP Tax Transformation, working for a large auditing and tax consulting firm, Munich
  • Until 2015: Indirect Tax Technology at a large auditing and tax consulting firm, Berlin


  • Companies of all sizes and industries with tax requirements in SAP and E-Invoicing/E-Reporting obligations


  • Tax Advisor
  • Co-Author "Tax with S/4HANA"
  • Until 2008: Studies in Business Informatics, Business Administration at the MLU Halle/Wittenberg, graduation Dipl.-Kfm.
  • 2005/06: ERASMUS studies Finance/Taxation at the ESC Grenoble/France
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