Global Marketing Operating Model

Marketing Operating Model for a global exhibition company

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  • Case Study
  • 2 minute read
  • 31 Jul 2023

Your expert for questions

Mathias Elsässer
Partner, Customer Transformation
PwC Germany
Tel: +49 175 5158588

Challenge & Situation 

Due to advancing digitisation and the associated changes and challenges, our client, an internationally active trade fair company, had to question its product offering and adapt its operating model (physical, hybrid and digital trade fairs). Marketing campaigns were not thought of holistically in the company as a whole, but were planned and implemented in different silos, resulting in inefficient duplication of efforts in isolated cases. The customer also did not have complete transparency regarding responsibilities and roles within the marketing communications department. Processes within the department as well as relevant interfaces to adjacent business units had to be redefined and standardised. In addition, effective and efficient tracking of marketing campaigns was only possible to a limited extent, resulting in suboptimal ROMI.

Our approach

  • In-depth as-is analysis to gain a deep understanding of the existing marketing landscape, roles, processes and organisational structure
  • Comprehensive maturity analysis to identify all challenges, derive quick wins and long-term optimisation measures, and determine the overall maturity level of the marketing communications department
  • Derivation of a high-level target operating model for the marketing communications department
  • Identification of all relevant tasks and responsibilities (RACI) within the department and subsequent derivation of efficient headcounts
  • Transfer of all tasks into detailed role descriptions and comparison with existing role profiles to identify any skill gaps
  • Modeling of all processes within the marketing communications department as well as to relevant interfaces from sales, services and other relevant business areas

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Result and impact

  • Enabling the customer to realise a holistic marketing and communications approach and to operate state-of-the-art marketing   
  • Optimised processes within the marketing communications department and in collaboration with other business units and external service providers to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of day-to-day operations
  • Creation of a new organisational structure with relevant roles and functions
  •  3 step roll-out concept with business case and overarching change management
  • Transparency with regard to all relevant business activities, responsibilities, and clear understanding of roles

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Mathias Elsässer

Mathias Elsässer

Partner, Marketing Advisory, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 175 5158588