Salesforce Data Cloud

How companies can get maximum value from the free Salesforce Data Cloud now

Frau von hinten zwischen Hochhäusern
  • Article
  • 2 minute read
  • 08 Jul 2024

Since September 19, 2023, the Salesforce Data Cloud has been available to companies free of charge, in addition to most existing and new Salesforce instances.

Read here how companies can exploit the potential of this innovation.

Your expert for questions

Jens Zwenger
Partner at PwC Germany
Tel: +49 151 44616844

What companies need to know about Salesforce Data Cloud

Why do companies need a Salesforce Data Cloud?

Many companies face the challenge of gaining a uniform picture of their customers in order to align their data landscape and marketing in the best possible way. There is often a lack of transparency across the various business areas within a company.

This is where the Salesforce Data Cloud for companies comes in, combining and standardizing data records from both internal and external data sources. Through a user-friendly drag & drop system, the Salesforce Data Cloud enables fragmented data to be merged into a comprehensive 360° customer profile, which optimizes transparency across system boundaries.

What use cases are there for the Salesforce Data Cloud?

We have compiled typical use cases for the new Salesforce Data Cloud here:

Automated real-time processes can be triggered based on events in the Salesforce Data Cloud and replace manual processes in the Sales and Service Cloud.

Based on powerful statistical data, churn rates and other important key figures can be calculated, allowing your sales staff to intervene at an early stage.

Your service employees have the opportunity to conduct customized customer conversations, which leads to an increase in sales and customer satisfaction.


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What should you consider before activating the Salesforce Data Cloud?

The activation is straightforward and can be done through your Salesforce account. However, before the free activation, companies should ask themselves the following questions:

  • What specific use cases can the Salesforce Data Cloud address for your company?
  • Is the data structure and quality sufficient, and are effective measures in place to ensure continuous quality?
  • What are the required legal, organizational, and technical prerequisites to optimally utilize the Salesforce Data Cloud?

We are happy to assist you in answering these questions to maximize the benefits of the now free version of the Salesforce Data Cloud!

As one of the leading Salesforce partners worldwide, our experts and our extensive network of customers and partners are at your service.

Our team will conduct a detailed analysis of your company’s needs, examine your use cases, and assess your data foundation. This will enable us to develop and implement the right strategy with the Salesforce Data Cloud.

Salesforce Hyperforce and the EU Operating Zone: Do They Live Up to the Hype?

Read our latest whitepaper to learn how to achieve optimal compliance with EU data protection laws using Hyperforce. Discover how effective data protection plays a central role in purchasing decisions and what solutions Salesforce offers to address these needs.

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Mathias Elsässer

Mathias Elsässer

Partner, Marketing Advisory, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 175 5158588

Jens Christian Zwenger

Jens Christian Zwenger

Partner, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 151 44616844
