
Sales is the link between the market and its customers. We know your biggest challenges and how we can solve them with you.

Your expert for questions

Thomas Bauer, PwC Deutschland

Thomas Bauer
Customer Transformation, Lead Sales & Digital Commerce at PwC Germany

The pandemic has permanently transformed sales, but that is only the beginning...

The pandemic abruptly changed sales: from face-to-face visits to video conferencing, phone calls, and numerous digital tools. But is it also true that our sales operations achieved years’ worth of progress in a matter of months? How sustainable is the use of digital tools such as chatbots, Robotic Process Automatization (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), and are we deploying them precisely enough to optimise customer relationships? Which channels should be used for which customers and tasks in the future? How should sales teams be managed across field sales and office sales, SSC and contact centres?

PwC supports you in building a powerful sales organisation for the “Next Normal”. We harmonise your processes, technologically and internationally, and implement interfaces to get your sales force systematically aligned with your customers. The right sales strategy, appropriate customer relationship management (CRM) and optimised omnichannel touchpoints for personalised customer interactions are important building blocks for this. Together with us, you can significantly improve the customer experience, reduce the costs of your sales organisation by 10 to 30 percent, and increase sales by 5 to 30 percent.

Would you like to optimise your customer relationships while reducing your costs? Then contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

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The “Next Normal” in Sales

Sales have gone virtual. Is this just a makeshift solution for the pandemic, or a permanent shift? According to studies, B2B buyers are certainly satisfied with their current interactions. They want digital sales to continue, both for existing suppliers and new ones. They still value face-to-face encounters, but support these with much more intensive use of portals and storefronts, which are seen as more efficient and less subject to personal influence than conventional channels.

Sales organisations' websites must give comprehensive customer information, and their stores must offer a good experience while supporting cross-selling and upselling. In this context, the simultaneous and coordinated use of different contact channels such as chatbots, contact centers or sales representatives becomes essential. Customers expect contactless transactions, from the first touchpoint to the signing of the contract to the complete delivery. Companies must adapt their internal processes to enable them to implement an omnichannel strategy and design seamless journeys.

The pandemic may have accelerated this transformation, but the trends in sales channels and requirements have existed for a long time. B2B buyers expect a consumerised experience: they enjoy engaging shopping experiences and expect the same in a business environment. The speed and maturity of automation is increasing, and chatbots and AI can now provide useful support.

Changes in society are also having an impact on sales. Skills shortages and demographic shifts are diversifying sales organisations. Global sustainability ambition compels companies to use a positive climate balance as a sales argument. In addition to pandemics or climate change, political developments can disrupt global supply chains and affect markets worldwide. The result of all this? Increasing speed and volatility. PwC's global network can help you find answers to these pressing issues.

Infographic about Customer Centric Transformation by PwC Germany

“Realization of specific customer benefits, dynamic pricing and digitized sales are key elements of a future-proof market organization.”

Thomas Bauer,Customer Transformation, Lead Sales & Digital Commerce at PwC Germany
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Thomas Bauer

Thomas Bauer

Customer Transformation, Lead Sales & Digital Commerce, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 175 4056234

Martin Förster

Martin Förster

Senior Manager, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 171 1794893