Ethical aspects of dynamic pricing
Wie die Erwartungshaltung des Kunden trotz automatisiertem Preismanagement durch das Einbeziehen psychologischer Faktoren erfüllt werden kann.
Professional pricing strategies offer companies enormous potential. Not only do they help drive growth, but they also increase revenues. We evidence this with over 2,000 successful projects already implemented by PwC's global pricing team.
With our proven end-to-end approach, we help companies achieve their pricing targets and increase their EBITDA sustainably – by an average of two to eight per cent. How does this work? From supporting you with a pricing strategy through operational price management to technical and organisational implementation.
Where is your company today in terms of pricing? Where do you want to go from here? In our experience, such questions require industry and company-specific answers. Not least because pricing maturity and pricing competence vary greatly, and the various pricing goals can be achieved in very different ways.
Would you like to find out which strategy best suits your company? Contact us. We look forward to exchanging ideas with you.
Our smart pricing approach encompasses the management of your entire pricing waterfall. It enables us to consider and map complex processes – and include the relevant focal points, which differ significantly depending on your industry, business model and IT system.
Our pricing services span:
Schematic price waterfall
“It makes sense for companies to closely analyse their willingness to pay for their products and services, as well as their margins. Based on the market, sales and behavioural data, all companies can identify opportunities to gain significant margin potential through automation and dynamic pricing.”
Our client wanted to price the value of its autonomous driving software solution, even though this market did not yet exist. They commissioned us to conduct a comprehensive study to determine the price and derive a roadmap.
Our approach
Added value
Wie die Erwartungshaltung des Kunden trotz automatisiertem Preismanagement durch das Einbeziehen psychologischer Faktoren erfüllt werden kann.
Mit diesen sechs Hebeln stärken Sie Ihre Kundenbeziehungen auch in der Krise.