
Data-fueled M&A platform & communication hub

Your expert for questions

Patrick Devine ist Partner bei PwC Deutschland

Patrick Devine
Partner at PwC Germany

Reimagine deals: Junction creates well-founded decision-making foundations

In order to make the right decisions in M&A activities, a solid data foundation and comprehensive expertise are essential. With the cloud-based M&A platform Junction, we provide our clients a central hub where all relevant information and communication threads converge around deals. Using the provided data, analyses, and perspectives, you can interactively examine various business scenarios – and receive comprehensible decision-making foundations throughout the entire lifecycle of a deal. Through the integrated communication features, our experts are available in real time to provide advice and assistance.

“As part of PwC’s Digital Deals Experience, the platform supports all teams involved in generating added value from mergers, acquisitions, disposals and capital market transactions more quickly and easily.”

Patrick Devine,Partner, PwC Germany

Transact to Transform

We secure your future viability in a dynamic world.

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Selected Junction features at a glance

Junction is accessible around the clock with any devices

Consolidated views provide a quick and comprehensive overview of upcoming deals

Junction as a communication hub – asking questions and giving feedback

Easily explorable data basis makes correlations comprehensible

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How Junction supports your M&A activities

Comprehensive analyses and perspectives

In Junction, we provide you with comprehensive analyses and perspectives on all aspects of your business transactions. The platform offers intuitive tools for interacting with the data provided and analysing various business scenarios.

Direct contact to the deals team at PwC

Due to its integrated communication capabilities, Junction simplifies the exchange between your team and PwC’s deals experts. For example, you can ask questions about individual perspectives, provide feedback and access the experience of global experts within a few clicks.

“With Junction, we can support our clients even better in their demanding M&A activities – with real time data, directly through the platform, and a range of effective tools.”

Erik Hummitzsch,Deal Advisory Leader and Co-Lead Consulting Solutions, PwC Germany
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Patrick Devine

Patrick Devine

Partner, PwC Germany

Erik Hummitzsch

Erik Hummitzsch

Member of the Management Board, Deal Advisory Leader and Co-Leader Consulting Solutions, PwC Germany
