Adopt integration knowledge – harvest post deal value

16 October, 2020

Your expert for questions

Friederich von Hurter
Partner, Delivering Deal Value at PwC Germany
Tel: +49 89 5790-6284

Ensure deal success with our digital upskilling solution PMI2go

The transaction is close to signing – now it is important to start the integration early. This integration process presents a complex challenge in the context of mergers and acquisitions. To support management and key employees during this journey, PwC offers the digital tool PMI2go as a complementary solution to M&A integration advisory services. The current COVID-19 crisis in particular underlines the importance of e-learning and how it enables time efficient and pragmatic onboarding of employees. Upskilling as early as possible is a crucial success factor to delivering post deal value by having involved key employees on the same knowledge base and prepared for upcoming challenges – with the help of our PMI2go tool, this can be done anytime and anywhere.

Your Situation

During M&A integrations it comes down to three main challenges

  • Management must fulfill the business plan and achieve synergy targets – while adhering to an often tight timeline. Only then can the desired deal value be generated from a transaction. 
  • Involved people need to be taken along the integration journey in a complex project setup. In this change process, communication is of utmost importance. 
  • Finding the right balance between daily work and integration effort

Are you facing an M&A integration and not sure how to tackle upcoming challenges?
Are your colleagues new to the situation of integrating two businesses, hence seeking for necessary knowledge & capabilities?
Does your organisation prefer a virtual upskilling given the current COVID-19 crisis?

Our Offer

PwC offers a comprehensive one-stop-shop service to make your post-merger integration (PMI) a success. Our experienced deals team will support your integration effort end-to-end – from strategy to execution. Whereby our upskilling tool PMI2GO perfectly complements our advisory services.

The tool virtually walks you through the most important steps of an integration after a merger or acquisition. PMI2go means pragmatic digital PMI upskilling to guide your team through the fundamentals of M&A integrations using practical examples and real-life cases.

“Post merger integration may feel like ‘flying a plane whilst building it’. To master your integration, strong project governance and early involvement of management and key employees are crucial success factors to ensure delivering deal value.”

Friederich von Hurter,Delivering Deal Value at PwC Germany

In the frame of post-merger integration, leadership has to bring together different companies and create additional value. An important success factor for achieving synergies is an experienced team that is familiar with the fundamentals of the PMI process. PwC has developed together with industry experts the digital upskilling solution PMI2go in order to bring all team members up to speed quickly and effectively.

How the tool works

Accelerate onboarding
The tool allows project member onboarding quickly on important PMI topics – regardless of time and place.

Raise awareness
It raises awareness of specific topics, such as achieving synergies and integrating employees.

Highlighting white spots
PMI2go makes knowledge gaps transparent through self-checks.

Apply what you have learned
The included tools and checklists enable you to apply what you have learned directly in practice.

How the tool delivers

PwC Expert Videos

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Contact us

Friederich von Hurter

Friederich von Hurter

Partner, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 89 5790-6284

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