As your competent partner, we are at your side, offering our expertise and industry know-how, as well as access to a global network of experts. Starting with strategic considerations, the implementation of due diligence processes, carve-out and integration, through to an array of reorganisation or restructuring approaches, we accompany you every step of the way to a successful transaction.
A noticeable transition with regard to environmental and climate protection – in combination with the Green Deal, in particular – has presented the industrial landscape in Europe with a huge transformation task. For the chemical industry, this has created a legal framework through which both politics and society can also expect a measurable reduction in the environmental impact of the chemicals used, in addition to a lowering in CO2 levels attributable to chemical production.
While the pandemic initially put many deal-related activities abruptly on hold, there are now signs of a recovery beginning to establish itself on the capital markets and a resumption of transactions, developments that are also favoured by persistently low interest rate levels. In this context, traditional business disciplines that, historically speaking, have been characterised by a high degree of operational interconnectedness and complexity – in terms of their supply chains and production – are increasingly being selected as the starting point for portfolio adjustments.
It is to be expected that, in addition to traditional M&A strategies, regulatory instruments – such as the EU regulation on sustainability-related disclosure requirements in the financial services sector (SFDR) – as well as uncertainties regarding its long-term interpretation, will create a need for action in the development of corporate portfolios. Moderate growth rates in the Eurozone as well as increasing geo-political uncertainty will provide additional M&A impetus and, in certain cases, a further need for restructuring.
The current deal-specific key topics in the chemical industry include:
Every transaction has its own peculiarities. We, therefore, also lend you our support by finding a solution approach tailored just to you. As a partner at your side, we not only provide a strategic view of trends and long-term developments, but also consistently draw on our experience from previous transactions in the chemical and process industries. We bring our expertise in IT, finance, tax and HR to the table, in combination with virtual work formats and digitalised project processes – never losing sight of the goal of sustainably increasing the value of your company.
The chemical industry plays a central role in solving major societal challenges such as climate change, sufficient food for the world's population and the fight against plastic waste. Expectations of chemical companies are high: they should not only improve their own footprint. They should also promote sustainable solutions and innovative approaches in all the customer-centric industries they serve.
"Sustainability plays a key role throughout the M&A deal cycle. We help our clients in the chemical industry identify your ESG opportunities & risks and position themselves accordingly."