Financial consulting

Your partner for financing issues in the crisis

Strategic financing projects and reliable liquidity planning for your successful corporate strategy

Ever-intensifying global competition for market shares as well as internal and external growth are continuously intensifying the focus on financing issues and leading to a shift of priorities on the agenda of decision-makers – both within the companies and among experts from the direct transaction environment. A robust capital structure and access to flexible financing solutions are increasingly viewed as the key elements of a successful and sustainable corporate strategy.

Our financing experts provide you with comprehensive advice on strategic financing projects and liquidity planning, whether in the context of transactions or in the context of expansion- or refinancing projects.

Our service at a glance

Your concern

  • You want to know which capital structure suits your company and business model?
  • You are planning comprehensive refinancing or restructuring of the liabilities side and you want to profit from the best available conditions? 
  • You are planning an acquisition – as a strategy or in your capacity as financing investor, stand-alone or as part of a buy-and-build strategy?
  • You need information on all available and marketable financing instruments, conditions and costs?
  • You want to know which financing sources and which funds you can use to cover an identified financing need?
  • Or you need support in the communication with your capital providers?

Issues in the field of financing can be multi-faceted and are marked by dynamics and complexity. PwC helps you to find the optimal solution through suitable liquidity management. 

Our offer

As an independent partner we support you throughout the process. We support you in identifying suitable financing instruments and financing partners, approaching capital providers, preparing financial information, in the dialogue with investors as well as in the implementation of the financing. Our financing experts are there to support you from the beginning to the end of the process, making sure that you maintain an overview at all times, no matter how challenging the situation. 

Our promise

Our motto is: Your deal is our deal. Together we successfully put your financing project into practice.

Quarterly Debt & Capital Markets Newsletter

In our quarterly newsletter, we provide you with an overview of the European debt markets. Our experts regularly analyse current developments in the macroeconomic environment as well as movements on the debt and capital markets.

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Alexander Hug

Alexander Hug

Partner, Restructuring & Refinancing, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 69 9585-6364
