Understanding the Open Source Security ISO 18974
PwC expert Marcel Scholze discusses the importance of the new Open Source Security ISO, ISO/IEC 18974:2023.
The world runs on Open Source Software (OSS) – from consumer electronics, household appliances and medical technology, to automobiles and production lines to enterprise IT and mobile services. Especially emerging technologies such as Cloud Computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robot Process Automation (RPA) are massively built on Open Source Software.
You can only keep pace with the progressive digitalisation of products and services and the increasing importance of disruptive technologies with an effective and efficient Open Source Software management. By this, you empower but also govern the use, creation and contribution of OSS. An efficient Open Source Management Framework as well as the use of appropriate toolchains such as, Software Composition Analysis (SCA) and Software Asset Management (SAM) are state of the art. Among other things, these factors influence the OSS Maturity level of a company and position it in competition.
“For digitalisation and keeping pace with latest developments of services and products mature, enablement and compliance of Open Source Software is key to survive! Our mission is to shape, enrich and enable your digital future through Open Source Software!”
PwC expert Marcel Scholze discusses the importance of the new Open Source Security ISO, ISO/IEC 18974:2023.
Bitkom Monitor 2023: Companies and public authorities rely on open source software.
Digital Sovereignty: PwC supports companies and the public sector in positioning themselves independently and self-determinedly in the digital world.
Open Source Software: PwC supports businesses with Managed Services.
Through the targeted use of OSS you can save costs and development capacities, at the same time participate in the latest developments, help set standards and become less dependent on software manufacturers. However, it is important to ensure open source compliance for software licenses to avoid unintentional license violations, which could lead to financial, continuity and reputational risks.
Have you seized the opportunities that Open Source Software offers your company and adequately mitigated the risks? Do you have the OSS compliance of your (software) suppliers under control?
Drive your digital future through open innovation
Become sovereign in your software use
Cost and Time Savings
Support and continued development
Legal Risk to Intellectual Property through license obligations
Security Risk and Vulnerability in Software Supply Chains
Compliance requirements in business relations
Rolling out a fully integrated Open Source Management Framework enables leveraging the advantage of OSS chances and benefits for your organisation, employees and digitalisation endeavors, while effectively managing the inherent risk of security and compliance.
At PwC we provide tailored services to encompass and serve all dimensions of the Open Source Management Framework.
“On basis of a mature Open Source Software strategy, you can set up the right compliance measures and enabling processes. The aim is to embrace OSS while building trust in its use – internally and with your suppliers.”
Director Open Source Software Services & IT Sourcing, PwC Germany
Tel: +49 151 16157049