PwC´s Software Solution: Implementing the GDPR requirements with the “PwC's Data Protection Manager”

06 September, 2018

Since 25 May 2018 the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies. It brings many new requirements. One of the most significant changes is that companies have to prove that they have complied with the requirements of the GDPR (so called “accountability”). In case of a breach, fines are up to 4 percent of annual global turnover or up to 20 Million Euro.

For a structured and user-friendly administration of processes and applications, PwC has developed the software application “PwC´s Data Protection Manager”. Many years of practical experience of the PwC colleagues involved in data protection consulting played a decisive role in this development.

“Accountability can usually only be achieved by companies, if they document and administrate their processes, applications and measures in a transparent way with the help of a software application.”

Dr. Jan-Peter Ohrtmann,Lawyer, Partner and Expert for Data Protection at PwC

The integration of processes and applications in the different departments of a company has already been made as simple as possible: PwC´s Data Protection Manager offers a questionnaire, with its help the responsible employees can enter information on personal data from their processes and applications. Next to the online function, the use of an Excel based questionnaire is possible, which can be filled in offline and afterwards be uploaded on the PwC´s Data Protection Manager. As a result the PwC´s Data Protection Manager captures the processes automatically as a records of processing activities and as a data flow map. In addition, there are numerous other functionalities.

“The PwC´s Data Protection Manager does not replace a legal consulting or even a data protection officer. However, the support of the PwC´s Data Protection Manager can significantly standardise and simplify work processes in the field of data protection in companies and thus reduce the expense", says Dr. Jan-Peter Ohrtmann, Lawyer, Partner and Expert for Data Protection at PwC. "We have already successfully applied the PwC´s Data Protection Manager in our own consulting practice.”

More about the features of the PwC´s Data Protection Manager in the video:

As to the individual functionalities

1. Record of processing activities

Functionality: Process recording with questionnaire and automatic creation of the records of processing activities, documentation of the compliance to company guidelines for data-friendly presets through the process owner.

2. Data Protection Impact Assessment, Data Protection by Default/Design

Functionality: Checklist, indication of the need for data protection impact assessment, structured checklist for implementation of data protection impact assessment.

3. Data Transfer

Functionality: Visualization of data transfers in a data flow map.

4. Data Processor Management

Functionality: Documentation of the selection of a suitable provider and the content of the contract and determination with reminder function for type and frequency of audit.

5. Notification of Data Breaches

Functionality: Process diagram for reporting process, documentation of incident and evaluation.

6. Data Protection Officer & Roles

Functionality: Illustration Organizational Chart

7. Trainings

Functionality: GDPR Basic training material and documentation of the training courses.

8. Data Subject Access Requests

Functionality: Pre-filling & personalisation of a standard letter to a data subject on the basis of the record of processing activities.

9. Templates and Sample Documentation

Functionality: Database with PwC sample documents e.g. Data Protection Policy, Data Deletion Policy, Template Consent; Template Data Protection Notice, Sample Data Processor Contract.

“With the GDPR e-Learning, PwC offers you the opportunity for online training in addition to the PwC´s Data Protection Manager.”

Dr. Jan-Peter Ohrtmann, Lawyer, Partner and Expert for Data Protection at PwC

Contact us

Dr. Jan-Peter Ohrtmann

Dr. Jan-Peter Ohrtmann

Partner, Cybersecurity, Data Protection & IP Leader, Global Legal Business Solutions Network, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 171 7614597

Thomas Hampel

Thomas Hampel

Partner, Data & AI Use Cases, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 170 5628709

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