ECA Expertise

15 January, 2018

PwC: More than three decades of experience

As one of the leading audit and consulting companies, PwC has more than 30 years of experience in advising export credit agencies on the economic viability of project and structured financings. Having started as advisor to German ECA Euler Hermes in 1985, our business has turned into a truly global ECA advisor.

Over the years, various ECAs have asked for our services as they value our experience and advice. We have successfully rendered our advisory services to ECAs around the globe for more than 200 projects across various industries. Our involvement supports ECAs to assess complex financing structures for their underwriting decisions.

Our approach

We have established excellent work relationships with ECAs and fully understand their processes and requirements. Our approach seeks to serve our clients’ needs in the most efficient manner by focussing on the ECAs’ individual requirements.
We can help ECAs shorten the process of financial negotiations significantly, as we are familiar with the ECAs’ individual focus points and know how to address them. Our team does not need long introductory periods, but is readily available for in-depth discussions right from the start.

Close ECA relationships

We build and maintain our relationships with ECAs based on trust, transparency and discretion. By engaging PwC you will benefit from our global network and expertise as well as our strong brand.

Contact us

Heiko Lentge

Heiko Lentge

ECA Advisory & Financial Modelling, PwC Germany

Alexander Wuermeling

Alexander Wuermeling

ECA Advisory, PwC Germany

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