Anti-Financial Crime – Managed Services

Structuring complex processes efficiently

Your expert for questions

Lars-Heiko Kruse is Partner, Forensic Services, Anti-Financial Crime Leader at PwC Germany

Lars-Heiko Kruse
Partner, Forensic Services, Anti-Financial Crime Leader at PwC Germany
Tel: +49 160 96941067

A managed service model provided by a trusted partner

Regulations relating to money laundering, terrorist financing and the fight against fraud, as well as compliance with financial sanctions, are constantly evolving and becoming more complex. This is unquestionably important in order to effectively combat financial crime. After all, the estimated annual global damage caused by white-collar crime is around 6 trillion US dollars. Moreover, in 2020 alone, companies were fined more than $10 billion for money laundering offences.

For financial institutions, anti-financial crime (AFC) regulations are a major regulatory and financial challenge. On the one hand, costs are rising to be fully compliant, and on the other hand, penalties due to breaches have a negative impact on annual budgets. And breaches are almost inevitable because criminals are also developing increasingly sophisticated methods to circumvent the implemented prevention measures and controls.

Financial institutions can only effectively address this by

  • increasing their productivity in the AFC area,
  • reducing their operating costs and
  • concentrating on their core business.

This requires new strategies and adaptable operating models in many cases. In other words:

It is time for a new way of working. It is time for a managed services model.

Effectively combating financial crime needs a trusted partner

We have already helped institutions in over 30 countries around the world to address their regulatory needs. We are ready to improve, automate and partner in execution of a wide range of your anti-financial crime processes by leveraging our industry knowledge, technology expertise and operational experience. That lets you concentrate on building a business that is futureproof.

Based on our experience in designing and running large regulatory compliance operational programmes, we have developed a dedicated approach to our Anti-Financial Crime Managed Services.

Our holistic structure combines all the fundamental components for their successful design and deployment.

Our services at a glance

End to end client lifecycle comprehensive support

Our vast, unique expertise combined with hands-on experience allows us to support you throughout your entire customer journey from onboarding to exit, covering various stages of the lifecycle across geographies and client types.

Added value for you

Our Anti-Financial Crime Managed Services solutions provide you with immediate access to our global network of financial crime professionals with deep regulatory and industry knowledge. This includes topics such as Know Your Customer (KYC), transaction monitoring and screening (both hit handling and investigations) to ensure the highest standards of anti-money laundering, anti-fraud and sanctions compliance. With the additional support of a QA team on-site, we implement complex regulations for you in a cost-efficient and automated manner. Meanwhile, you can concentrate on your core business.

Key benefits

  • Operational transformation
  • Focus on core business 
  • Cost reduction
  • Revenue growth
  • Capacity alignment with changing demands
  • New regulatory challenges addressed promptly
  • Service delivery improvements

AFC Managed Services scope of offering

  • Know Your Customer (KYC) processes: onboarding, regular reviews, event driven reviews
  • Transaction Monitoring alert investigation
  • Client Exits
  • Screening as a Service (negative news, PEP, sanctions)
  • Know Your Vendor (KYV) / Third Party Risk Management
  • Quality Check (QC) & Quality Assurance (QA) as a Service
  • Subject Matter Expertise (SME) as a Service

Technologies we use

Our AFC Managed Services are supported by the most advanced technology solutions, integrated into one highly automated platform, built on the foundation of practical operational and regulatory experience.

AFC Managed Services is a modular technology, accelerating management & delivery of a number of operational processes. It integrates a wide range of AI-driven automations that can be chosen depending on business needs, switched on or off as required and used as standalone solutions.

With our Anti-Financial Crime Managed Services, we offer you a model based on cutting-edge technologies such as data analytics, robotic process automation and artificial intelligence, which, together with our highly skilled staff, will help you achieve sustainable positive results when it comes to anti-financial crime compliance.

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Contact us

Lars-Heiko Kruse

Lars-Heiko Kruse

Partner, Forensic FinCrime Leader, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 160 96941067

Magdalena Hologa

Magdalena Hologa

Director, Forensic Services, Anti-Financial Crime, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 151 53548197

Dominik Schauerte

Dominik Schauerte

Partner, Risk & Regulatory, PwC Germany