Cloud Business in China

In response to a booming cloud computing market in China and Europe, there is a corresponding increase in the regulatory environment, as well as increasing challenges resulting from complex internal requirements. As such, support is crucial for both Chinese and European based organizations to navigate these environments when operating in the other countries market.

Through PwC‘s global network, we support European based organizations in the Chinese market and Chinese-based organizations in the European market with comprehensive and integrated cloud services to meet their business needs for managing the Cloud. PwC is with you for your business development at home and abroad.

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Contact us

Markus Vehlow

Markus Vehlow

Partner, Risk Assurance Solutions, PwC Germany

Tel.: +49 160 7139416

Eiko Ermold

Eiko Ermold

Director, Risk Assurance Solutions, PwC Germany

Jingyi Zuo

Jingyi Zuo

Senior Associate, Risk Assurance Solutions, PwC Germany
