New world. New skills.

How do you qualify people for tasks that you are not yet familiar with?

Everyone should have the opportunity to live, learn, work and participate in the digital world. Rely on a team that will work with you to develop and implement the ideal upskilling programme for your employees following a future-oriented skills analysis.

Our expert for questions

Petra Raspels ist Ihre Expertin für New Work bei PwC Deutschland

Petra Raspels
Partner, Head of People & Organisation, PwC Germany & Europe

New world. New skills. New normal – the challenges and opportunities of the New Work movement

New Work is a megatrend. Technological progress – accelerated by the Covid-19 crisis – is palpably changing business, the nature of work and the skills required for it. New forms of work are becoming established – from agile methods such as design thinking, working from home and co-working spaces, to the demands of many employees for a work-life blend. New Work is a term on everyone’s lips.

Technology is playing a fundamental role in this development. But technology is only as good as the managers, who must be able to recognise the opportunities offered by technology, and only as good as the people who work with technology every day.

Digitalisation is rapidly changing our work and our job profiles. Many roles are disappearing in the world of Work 4.0, while new ones are emerging. The discrepancy between the skills available and those required for jobs in the digital New Work world is one of the most fundamental challenges of our time.

“When it comes to New Work, the focus is on further development of employees. Digital upskilling is not only critical for business success and growth, but also for society as a whole.”

Petra Raspels,Partner, Head of People & Organisation, PwC Germany & Europe

How PwC is upskilling 284,000 employees for the digital world

We recognise that tremendous changes are afoot in society and that the skills we have today are not necessarily the skills we will need in the future. But despite the disruptive changes that are taking place both for us and for our clients, we are still expected to offer added value.

With this in mind, we had to find a way to develop as a digital company with up-to-date services, products and tools. Our employees have realised that new skills are necessary in order to remain a relevant force for our clients. In this way, our transformation into a digital company also became an opportunity for our employees to embark on individual, lifelong learning journeys and usher in the New Work approach to our company as well.

Learn more

Bridging the digital divide

In this one-minute excerpt from our short documentary Bridging the Digital Divide, researchers, NGOs and representatives from politics and business explain why continuing education is one of the central challenges of our time in the digital world.

Insights and studies


Hopes and Fears 2021

International study by the PwC network on hopes and fears in the world of work.

Learn more

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Contact us

Petra Raspels

Petra Raspels

Partner, Co-Lead Workforce Transformation, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 175 4387684

Till R. Lohmann

Till R. Lohmann

Partner, Co-Lead Workforce Transformation, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 151 17463260

Anja Sbanski

Anja Sbanski

Partnerin, People & Organisation, PwC Germany

Stephan Weber

Stephan Weber

Partner, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 1511 4711918
