Digital Real Estate Advisory

Digital Transformation of the Real Estate Industry.

Your expert for questions

Julian Hagenschulte
Director at PwC Germany
Tel.: +49 151 15553189

Shaping the digital transformation of the real estate industry now

Today, companies in the real estate industry must not only ask themselves if, but above all when and how they will initiate the right measures for digital transformation. The establishment of an agile, innovation-driving culture is the prerequisite for successful digitalisation.

What do we stand for?
At PwC, we want to accelerate the ambitious visions of the real estate industry and make the digitalisation of individual processes a reality. Through the three perspectives: Business, Customer Experience and Technology (BXT); our interdisciplinary team combines industry and technology expertise to successfully transform your business into the digital age.

“Investments in PropTechs remain on the agenda of the real estate industry - but they must bring tangible added value! Great opportunities and potentials in the use of new technologies lie above all in the management of costs and efficiency, improved decision-making through data analytics and the management of ESG performance.”

Julian Hagenschulte, Director at PwC Germany

Digital Real Estate in figures

Chart: Digital Real Estate in figures

Our consulting approach

With PwC, you can rely on an experienced digital transformation partner that covers all phases from strategy to execution. With our experience, we determine the degree of innovation and the digital fitness of companies. In this way, we derive where the greatest potential lies in the use of new technologies and support you in designing a transformation roadmap.
We can assess the impact on your business model and help you build a holistic digital ecosystem for your business.

Our offer at a glance

Digital Real Estate Strategy & Transformation

  • Digital maturity assessments: We uncover digitalisation potential along the core real estate processes (occupier and investors) and assess the digital status quo as well as opportunities for the use of new technologies.
  • Development of digital use cases: From practical projects with digital pioneers in the sector, among others, we have more than 60 digital use cases for real estate users as well as real estate investors, including monetary evaluation.
  • Cloud platform strategy and software selection: We support the selection of a suitable real estate ERP system as well as complementary applications (e.g. for portfolio and asset management, risk, compliance and valuation tools, no-code/low-code platforms, process mining solutions).
  • (ESG) data strategy and reporting: We support the development of a fully digital (ESG) data flow from the asset to the (fund) reporting.
  • Harmonisation of the technology landscape: We uncover redundancies in the RE IT landscape and harmonise them, including clear alignment with the corporate goals.
  • PropTech/ConTech ecosystem: Through our global PropTech ecosystem and PwC VC investments, we offer direct access to innovative companies from the PropTech/ConTech sector and support them in building their own ecosystems.

Our Use Cases

Digital strategy for the internal service units of corporates

As a global market leader in the pharmaceutical industry, the global and cross-functional digital transformation process is to be driven forward and a digital strategy developed. For this purpose, an internal unit was founded by our client.

As PwC, we combine strategic considerations in programme design and define a clear set of initiatives to be pursued in the future. Existing and new initiatives are combined into a comprehensive programme to achieve the targeted net value impact. To ensure successful and effective implementation, the initiatives need to be elaborated in detail and translated into a concrete roadmap adapted to the technological readiness of the regions/sites. While the organisational set-up has already been determined, we are primarily aiming at the permanent manifestation of a digital culture through selected initiatives.

The project objective is to develop a comprehensive roadmap for all geographical and functional responsibilities and ensure effective change management.

End-to-end concepts

Our client is an independent asset management company specialising in real estate and property-related investment activities. As a recent investment of our client, the development of a large well-known project for office space was commissioned.

As PwC, we highlight sustainability skills as a clear part of the competence profile in the context of past and current projects. The relevance and possibilities of digital neighbourhood services tailored to the property are initially highlighted. In addition, the question of the costs of comparable use cases and starting points for possible joint developments will be worked out.

The project goal consists of consistent user orientation from the planning phase onwards (individual offer for the property users) with regard to "digital amenities". Project developments should continue to meet and possibly exceed current and future expectations with regard to digitalisation and sustainability/ESG. In addition, the monetisation of smart building use cases should enable potential cash flow and certifications in the smart building sector serve as a potential additional value factor.

ConTech Project Management Office

In times of a global shift towards sustainability and digitalisation, our client in the Middle East is also questioning its conventional construction methods.

Our client is initiating a construction project in the Middle East where conventional construction methods cannot successfully deliver the vision. Innovation in construction methods and technologies (ConTech) is a critical factor in closing the capacity gap. The vision of the ConTech programme is to enable and catalyse a fundamental shift in the relationship between people and construction through the large-scale deployment of innovative technologies.

As PwC, we bring together the right players from global ecosystems to implement the ConTech programme. We procure the right conditions to build a long-term sustainable economy for our client and the project, leading to steady GDP growth. It also aims to drive change adoption and implementation, accelerating the pace and delivery of innovation and providing Agile Solutions with the tools for success.

The project objective is to elaborate a strategy and carry out prioritisation, analysis and stakeholder engagement. In addition, an ecosystem and economic attraction strategy, including investment criteria, will be elaborated and an operating model for innovation delivery will be created.

Implementation of world-leading ERP systems

Our client is the market leader in international food retailing with a global property portfolio.

As PwC, we were able to divide the completed project into three phases: Dealing with the conceptual set-up according to the requirements and standards as well as ensuring organisational and technical preparations. Furthermore, the setting up of the data model (SAP RE-FX, PS and PM) according to the respective end-to-end processes and the respective implementation. And finally, quality assurance for the respective testing and acceptance during implementation and the go-live start.

The project goal consisted of a cross-national software selection and support for the implementation of the leading ERP system in order to ensure the system-related mapping of owner-occupied and rented properties with regard to construction and real estate business requirements and processes.

“In our Experience Centre, we determine the degree of innovation and the digital fitness of companies. From this we deduce where the greatest potential for business and operating models lies through the new technologies.”

Julian Hagenschulte,Director at PwC Germany

Selected PwC initiatives and collaborations

PwC is actively engaged in the most relevant topics of the future and strengthens alliances to promote digitalisation and digital ecosystems:

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Julian Hagenschulte

Julian Hagenschulte

Digital Construction, Infrastructure and Real Estate, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 1511 5553-189