International tax advice

Globalisation has a direct impact on your company's tax rate. Keeping the overall tax burden within reasonable bounds requires continuous assessment of this impact. In planning cross-border investments, it is important to examine, as early as possible, the effects investments will have on the tax burden and what alternatives are available. For instance the use of holding, licensing and financing companies may be sensible in order to avoid unexpected tax effects. PwC advises clients on such issues, drawing on its international tax expertise and the resources of its extensive specialist network.

Whether for inbound or outbound investments, differing tax systems and tax rates will serve as benchmarks for measuring the tax burden of corporate groups operating on an international scale. Strategic tax planning is a complex task and requires the cooperation of highly qualified consultants at both the national and international level. The focus of providing competent and responsible tax advice will therefore increasingly turn to European law. In response to this trend, PwC has formed the EU Tax Group.

PwC has numerous international desks and networks of specialists at its disposal. It has also gained worldwide experience from its many challenging projects. We make use of this knowledge and expertise to assist you with your company's cross-border tax planning.

Our International Tax Services Team specialists offer customised solutions worldwide. They concentrate on developing strategies that factor in the specific fact pattern of your company and its environment.

Our services at a glance:

  • Developing tax strategies
  • Reviewing available alternatives for the corporate structure through holding, licensing and financing companies
  • Optimising cash flows
  • Implementing measures for allocating cross-border profits appropriately
  • Tax planning in the case of corporate reorganisations and outsourcing of functions abroad
  • Advising on European law particularly with regard to tax law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) – also with the support of the EU Direct Tax Group (EUDTG)
  • Planning and implementing measures for adjusting global corporate tax rates
  • Developing and implementing tax-related risk management systems for companies operating internationally
  • Involving German groups of experts in regional tax planning processes, for example for China, Eastern Europe and Russia
  • Tax aspects of exchange rate management
  • Recognition and disclosure of tax items in separate and consolidated financial statements

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Dr. Jan Becker

Dr. Jan Becker

Partner, PwC Germany

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Klaus Schmidt

Klaus Schmidt

Partner, Global Tax and Legal Managed Services / Alliances Leader, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 160 7032368