PwC compensation studies

Your contact person

Petra Raspels
Partner, Co-Lead Workforce Transformation
Mobile: +49 175 438-7684

Compensation of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board

PwC regularly conducts studies on the compensation of members of the Executive and Supervisory Board. Our analyses are based, on the one hand, on the published information of the compensation of Board members of listed companies in the Dax family (currently 160) and, on the other hand, on the compensation of the Executive Board of companies in the private and public sectors.

Our latest study results on the compensation of executive and supervisory board members of listed companies of the DAX family are available as PDF and in a dynamic Power BI solution, the Board Remuneration Analyser, for detailed analysis. If you are interested in the study and/or the preparation of an assessment of appropriateness or benchmark, please do not hesitate to contact one of the following contact persons.

Find out more about the current study (German)

Board Remuneration Analyser

Get exclusive information about our Expert Session on the Dax family compensation study

For the study on executive and supervisory board remuneration, we invite you to our annual online expert session. If you are interested in participating in our current update of the remuneration study on board remuneration in the Dax, MDax, SDax, and TecDax, please contact us. We look forward to sending you further information and a personal invitation to the expert Session.

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Compensation studies for private (non-listed) and public companies

Executive remuneration in the private sector

Following 2019 and 2021, PwC has conducted a further update of the remuneration study on the executive board of mid-sized companies in Germany in 2023. You can purchase our current study results on executive remuneration in medium-sized companies as a PDF and in a dynamic Power BI solution, the Board Remuneration Analyser – Medium-sized Companies, for detailed analysis. If you are interested in the study and/or the preparation of an appropriateness report or benchmark, please get in touch with one of the contacts listed below.

Publication on the current study (German)

Board Remuneration Analyser – Medium-sized Companies

Executive remuneration in public companies

After 2020, PwC has carried out an update of the remuneration study on the board of directors and management for public companies in Germany in 2022. If you are interested in the study and/or the preparation of an appropriateness report or benchmark, please get in touch with one of the contacts below.

Summary of the current study (German)

„As in the previous financial year, many Dax-160 companies were still faced with major economic challenges in 2021, which in turn was reflected in management salaries. It remains to be seen how this trend will continue in the crisis year 2022.“

Petra Raspels, Co-Lead Workforce Transformation at PwC Germany

Contact us

Petra Raspels

Petra Raspels

Co-Lead Workforce Transformation, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 175 4387684

Carolina Jahn

Carolina Jahn

Managerin, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 1515 8822551

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