Case Study: Digital platform strategy - the way into the digital realm

The Challenge. Our client, a leading manufacturer of professional audio equipment, is faced with an ongoing digital transformation of the professional audio industry and the fear of lagging behind his competitors is omnipresent. Staying relevant in a changing business environment requires the design and timely development of new digital solutions that offer customers both easier workflows and increased efficiency. Our client is ready to identify and build the

required digital capabilities in order to design, create, develop, offer, distribute and run such digital solutions. They are eager to stand out from their competitors, as they’ve always done, even if it means that structural, complex change is required. Hence, the biggest challenge is to allocate limited resources to the most valuable activities, with a strong focus on business value and customer satisfaction.

Our Approach

During our eight-week collaboration, we developed a customer-centric, iterative plan to build up a company-wide digital platform as the foundation for all further activities. In several ideation sessions, new and existing digital use cases and business models were refined to serve as guiding lighthouses. In parallel, combining PwC research methods with our client’s existing insights into the market allowed us to define a rationale and general direction (role and positioning in the market, right to win, etc.) for our activities. Using the digital lighthouse solutions, we were able to derive required digital capabilities and prioritize a first set according to business value.

Client’s Benefits

We designed a digital target state for our client, describing the vision, solution portfolio, required digital capabilities and a fitting IT delivery model. On top, we outlined a concrete sequence of action fields and measures (roadmap), as well as required roles and a governance model required to achieve these goals. This allows our client to focus his resources towards the highest business value (“doing the right thing”), while iteratively challenging and readjusting the path towards digital excellence (“doing things right”). Our client - known for a strong focus on high-quality hardware - strongly benefits from this shift towards an iterative, customer-centric approach; being able to quickly validate new (pilot) solutions on the market increases his flexibility to build exactly the kind of new solutions that will prove successful in an ever-faster changing market.

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Martin Röser

Martin Röser

Director, Digital Platform Business Advisory, PwC Germany

Anton Becker

Anton Becker

Manager, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 211 981-1533