Webinar series – Smart Factory Transformation

19 November, 2021

Practical insights into digitising your manufacturing operations

Industry 4.0 is transforming the way companies make products. State-of-the-art technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), cloud computing, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), advanced analytics and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) are opening up fantastic potential for businesses to boost efficiency, agility and quality and gain competitive advantages. But what’s the best way of transforming a factory into a smart factory? What’s the right mix of digital tools and applications for your unique manufacturing operations? And how can you cut through the hype and invest in smart factory solutions that really add measurable value?

In a new webinar series on smart factory transformations, experts from PwC are joining forces with representatives from Microsoft and other leading companies to discuss key aspects of Industry 4.0 – and share real-world examples of how to successfully digitise and automate your manufacturing processes end-to-end. The series of six live webinars started on 13 October and will take place on a monthly basis.

Upcoming webinars

Looking ahead, we’re going to cover one key aspect of smart factory transformation each month. Topics will include future trends, case studies for implementation, technical and business-related considerations of architecture and scalability, as well as effective use of AI in manufacturing. We’ll also spend a few moments introducing PwC Factory Intelligence, which combines PwC’s in-depth expertise to enable our clients to successfully digitise their factories including their business and operational processes.

Do you want to contribute?

This webcast series is interactive – and we want to hear your thoughts, feedback and topic requests. Is your company dealing with a unique challenge? Are you looking for information about a specific topic like Big Data analytics or predictive maintenance? Get in touch with our team! We’re going to adapt the content of each webcast to focus on the hottest topics for our audience.

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Past webinars

Smart Factory Transformation with ZF and Microsoft

How does a factory really become “smart”? What specific challenges are involved in this transformation? And how can manufacturers overcome these challenges? Experts from PwC joined representatives from Microsoft and ZF, one of the world’s biggest Tier 1 automotive suppliers, to answer these questions – and many more. Together, they discussed how cloud-based solutions can improve quality, flexibility and efficiency for production processes. They also took a close look at exactly how ZF is developing a digital production platform for 160 sites around the globe.

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Michael Bruns

Michael Bruns

Partner, Digital Operations, PwC Germany

Dr. Reinhard Geissbauer

Dr. Reinhard Geissbauer

Partner, Operations Transformation, PwC Germany

Jens Fath

Jens Fath

Partner, Operations Transformation, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 160 92620568
