Test your GDPR readiness

Take the test now! Take a minute and you'll get to know more!

Do you inform your customers about the processing of their personal data and rights?

Have you implemented the principle of storage limitation in your systems, i.e. the deletion of personal data at the end of their intended usage and/or retention period?

Have you established any processes when customers want to assert their legal claims regarding data portability, information requests, etc.?

Have you received a GDPR compliant consent from customers to use data for marketing purposes?

Is profiling used in your company?

Have you already implemented the specific legal requirements for such business processes?

Are you able to take into account the principles of Privacy by Design and Privacy by Default when developing new products?

Have you set up a process in your company to be able to report data breaches to the responsible supervisory authority within 72 hours?

Are you able to conduct a data protection impact assessment on the use of new technologies in your company?

Do you send a newsletter to your customers? If yes, is it adapted to the new requirements accordingly?

Do you use cookies and other tracking tools on your website? Is the privacy notice also adapted to the tools used?

Have you established a data protection management system tailored to the size of your company?

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Christian Bartmann

Christian Bartmann

Partner Risk Assurance Solutions und Co-Lead Kompetenz-Center Process Mining, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 69 9585-2848

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Daniela Geretshuber

Daniela Geretshuber

Member of the Board and People and Corporate Sustainability Leader, PwC Germany