Real Estate funds, Managers and Investors – from regulation to performance

The Real Estate capital market is characterized by strong momentum and regulation. There are currently a whole host of challenges facing real estate investors and fund managers. High demand from various different countries and the huge growth potential of this asset class is bringing new investments, management and reporting structures as well as changes in the value chain and also with regard to fee structures.

Strategies for products, distribution, business models, investions, portfolios as well as alliances and outsourcing must be regularly adapted to developments in the capital market as well as complying with regulatory stipulations.  Funds and asset management, governance and compliance, risk management and reporting, technology, accounting and report systems, tax conception and legal structuring have to continuously develop in order to ensure active taxation and control to develop values and perform.

Range of consultancy services available:

  • Strategy – investor strategy, market entry strategy (Retail and institutional investors), sales channels and business models for fund managers, alliances in front, middle and back office, organisation of tax and supervisory law
  • Regulation – implementation of regulatory requirements for managers of alternative investment funds, adjustment of structures and reporting to regulatory investors , preparation and application of licenses, organisation of supervisory law
  • Fund management – planning and taxation of funds and portfolios, status and allocation analyses, sustainability and certification advice, risk and cost analysis, reporting and KPIs, performance optimization and restructuring
  • Asset management – structuring and processes, rental management, invoice management, revenue optimization, tendering, planning, taxation and technological interfaces for service providers
  • Tax and supervisory law – tax and structuring of supervisory law, tax qualification of investments products, ongoing taxation advice, organisation of supervisory law.
  • Risk management – implementation of regulatory requirements in concepts, systems, structures and processes, and risk reporting
  • Governance and compliance – implementation of regulatory provisions in concepts, systems, structures and processes, compliance analyses
  • Alliances and outsourcing – planning, optimisation and taxation of outsourced services, market analysis and benchmarking
  • Technology and Digitalisation – Range of implementation support of systems, analysis and conception of digital strategy

With our worldwide network, PwC advises; investment companies, fundmanagers, private equity investors, family offices, REITS, insurance as well as state and pension funds. We offer comprehensive solutions on a global level and comprehensive expertise in all alternative asset classes such as Real Estate, infrastructure and private equity.

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Contact us

Thomas Veith

Thomas Veith

Partner, Leiter Real Estate PwC Global, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 175 4340515

Marcel Mies

Marcel Mies

Partner, National Real Estate Tax Leader, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 170 7881079

Sebastian Kreutel

Sebastian Kreutel

Partner, Real Asset Financial Services & Sustainability Consulting, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 160 7181284