Digital enablement of frontline workers

Your expert for questions

Eric Schinnerling
Senior Manager at PwC Germany
Tel: +49 151 4670-2013

How engaging your frontline workers drives digital transformation

Whether in retail, automotive, healthcare or the public sector, frontline workers are essential to operational tasks, customer service and brand reputation. With a global share of 88%, they make up the foundation of our working world. It is important to not only understand, but also meet frontline workers’ pressing needs for flexibility, empowerment and inclusion. Our expertise, in combination with Microsoft’s technology, helps you realize this goal in your organization. Support your employees in developing a digital mindset and skillset and provide the appropriate tools.

Now is the ideal time to apply PwC’s approach to empower employees worldwide to perform their daily tasks digitally.

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We guide you on your journey to create modern workplaces for frontline workers

PwC can tap into the experiences gained from a wide variety of lighthouse projects. With our tools and IT services, we have enabled a total of 85,000 frontline employees in production at over 190 locations worldwide to participate more holistically in the digital corporate world.

We support you from the development to the final implementation of your workplace strategy and guide you through the digital enablement journey of your frontline workers in all relevant subject areas:

1. Analysis of the status quo and definition of goals and use cases as part of an envisioning workshop

In an envisioning workshop, we outline the benefits that technological solutions can offer you, your employees and your entire company. It is particularly important to understand the challenges that your employees face on a daily basis. We place people and their needs at the center of the analysis and can thus identify individual optimization potential for your processes.

With the support of our business analysts, you can then determine the requirements and the infrastructure components needed to define potential use cases. As such, ideas and prototypes are derived for a possible digital enablement concept. By defining a target roadmap that covers all milestones relevant to the implementation of the concept, we pave the way for your implementation.

2. Technology as an enabler

Through readiness and maturity assessments, we determine the maturity level of your organization regarding the digitization of frontline workers, which then forms the basis of strategic decision-making.

To prepare your organization for the upcoming transformation, our technical experts will advise you on the requirements for your IT infrastructure. This includes assessing capacity, developing hardware and licensing concepts, and considering questions around identity and access management. 

3. People-centric implementation

We can support you in developing an implementation strategy and evaluating the added value by focusing on the employees and their needs. In addition to a change management strategy, a communication strategy should not be missing, which includes transparency and feedback loops to increase user acceptance. This also includes the implementation of a continuous onboarding concept.

Transformation, as well as adoption measures and a successful mindset change, are measured using value-based KPIs and OKRs.

Overcoming challenges to create advantages

Use of mobile devices

Frontline workers are often in direct contact with customers and need to collaborate quickly and efficiently to meet the demands of their work. It is important to have a wide range of tools at hand and to be able to access them with the right devices. A well-designed hardware concept helps you provide your employees with the right digital solutions to enable them to collaborate successfully and quickly without restrictions.

Collaboration & Communication

To ensure a balanced work-life integration and promote the flexibility of your employees, it is also important to collaborate in an agile way. Frontline workers have frequently changing working hours and conditions. A flexible work environment should therefore enable them to get their work done more efficiently. Digital solutions that facilitate communication and collaboration can be a great help here. They create new employment opportunities for frontline workers. Automating work processes can help your employees focus fully on their core competencies and work more effectively.

Adoption & on-the-job training

New technologies can also be challenging. Therefore, it is important not to put pressure on frontline workers. Instead, they should be given the opportunity to learn using new technologies step by step, focusing on practical experience in their day-to-day work (on-the-job). Thereby, they can gradually acquire new skills and knowledge that will help them fulfill their roles more successfully.

Your entire team benefits from our expertise and the technology of Microsoft solutions

PwC won the 2022 Microsoft Inspiration Award for enabling frontline workers. For our clients, we offer a powerful set of strategies, tools, and IT and business expertise to help frontline workers participate more holistically in the digital enterprise world. We do this by relying on Microsoft as an experienced cooperation partner.

Microsoft solutions offer many benefits to frontline workers. By using a single platform for their daily tasks, employees are more connected and accessible. This can foster a new company culture and mindset that has a positive impact on guaranteeing equal opportunities for employees – for both frontline workers and knowledge workers.

Additionally, it allows leadership and employees to better align by creating a community driven by a common purpose and goal, as well as fostering a new work culture. Microsoft services enable better and transparent management of tasks and are designed to foster collaboration at and between all levels.

Moreover, Microsoft solutions can help you set the foundation for new ways of working and digital innovation in the enterprise, which can lead to higher levels of automation and sustainability. Modern training methods also encourage the educational development of frontline workers and help them to improve in their work.

Digital Enablement of Frontline Workers

We support you in bringing your frontline workers into the digital age and improving the general communication and collaboration between all employees. Find out here which steps are important for this digital transformation of your company.

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“The right approach is needed so that everyone can benefit from the advances of digitization. We help companies develop an approach that benefits both people and business.”

Sebastian Paas, Partner at PwC Germany
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Sebastian Paas

Sebastian Paas

Microsoft Alliance, Cloud & Digital, PwC Germany

Eric Schinnerling

Eric Schinnerling

Senior Manager, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 151 46702013

Steffen Scholz

Steffen Scholz

Manager, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 1517 283-7152
