Sustainable Innovation

Value creation through Sustainable Innovation

Your expert for questions

Hadas Zucker
Senior Manager, Sustainable Innovation Lead in Sustainability Services PwC Germany
Tel: +49 30 26364756

What is Sustainable Innovation?

The growing pressure on companies to disclose information through regulations presents a far-reaching opportunity. It lies in crafting novel, sustainable value propositions that fuel sustained outcomes, generate value, and establish a distinctive identity for organizations. 

PwC’s proprietary Sustainable Innovation approach catalyzes the creation of innovative and sustainable solutions, irrespective of the sector. Our planet-centric transformations are rooted in innovative design principles. We diligently identify sustainable innovation opportunities, ensuring that organizations future-proof their product and service portfolios and business models. Our goal is to create offerings that are not only desirable, viable, feasible, but also ethical and profitable.

“The value of the sustainability transformation transcends from risks to opportunities. In Sustainable Innovation, we focus on value creation to help organizations sustain growth and enhance differentiation.”

Hadas Zucker,Senior Manager, Sustainable Innovation Lead in Sustainability Services PwC Germany

Our service at a glance

How do you upskill your employees to develop sustainable innovations?

To what extent do sustainable innovations act as a catalyst for achieving sustainability goals?

How can opportunities for value creation be derived from sustainability reporting?

What strategies can be implemented to differentiate yourself in the market?

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How we help you embrace sustainability reporting to create value

The regulatory pressure is increasing. Organizations are required to not just report, but show progress against material issues. Regulations frame critical impact areas and reveal opportunities for sustainable, competitive business action.

Our proprietary Sustainable Innovation approach helps your company drive future relevance and resilience by translating risks into innovation opportunities, enabling sustained outcomes and differentiation. Sustainable innovation in product and service design helps clients use regulations, such as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) as a springboard for action. Through the insights gained during the materiality analysis, new product and service offerings can be derived, tapping into opportunity spaces that are highly relevant to prioritized sustainability topics.

“Sustainable Innovation is what digital transformation was a decade ago. We can’t afford to stay or leave anyone behind.”

Hadas Zucker,Senior Manager, Sustainable Innovation Lead in Sustainability Services PwC Germany
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Hadas Zucker

Hadas Zucker

Senior Manager, Sustainability Services, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 175 6077324
