Water Resilience Transformation

Water is an urgent global challenge, requiring actions now

Your expert for questions

Robert Kammerer ist Global Leader ESG Risk & Resilience bei PwC Deutschland

Robert Kammerer
Partner Sustainability Services at PwC Germany
Tel: +49 1511 4265708

Problems cause high costs, investments deliver strong returns

Water scarcity is coming to the formerly water-rich continent of Europe. Regulations such as CSRD, the Nature Restoration Law, and Principle for a new EU Blue Deal are driving companies to report on their water-related impact, risks, and opportunities, and revamp their operating models, products and services to minimize adverse effects on water resources. Germany adopted the National Water Strategy 2050 in March 2023, aiming to enhance water security in the country. At the EU level, CSRD/ESRS-E3 on Water & Marine Resources will expect first-wave adopters to report their water management and performance in FY25 for FY24.

The urgency to address water-related challenges goes beyond regulatory requirements. Unusual and more frequent droughts and floods, attributed to changing climate patterns, serve as red flags for businesses, governments, and society at large. Germany faced its hottest, driest, and sunniest summer on record in 2022. Other European countries, including France, Italy, Spain, and Portugal, are also grappling with the impacts of climate change on water resources. Dry spells and heatwaves have become more severe and frequent, affecting the agricultural sector. There is little time left.

“It becomes imperative for business to more actively manage the water-related risks, impact and opportunity, integrate water into their corporate sustainability strategy, adapt more comprehensive water stewardship policies with concrete performance targets at both corporate and site-level, and taking timing actions towards a water resilience future and secure their business continuity.”

Robert Kammerer,Partner Sustainability Services at PwC Germany

6 pillars to reach the future of Water Resilience

Assess water risks: Inside-out and outside-in approach to estimating water footprint

LEAP-Q approach: Managing water risks and opportunities holistically

Conserving water resources, restoring water ecosystems and mastering reporting with confidence

From science-based targets to actions required clear strategic intents and strong supporting policies

Implementing a systemic approach to continuously enhance Water Resilience

Explore synergies between international water reporting standards

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PwC is the trusted partner for businesses on their Water Resilience Transformation journey

PwC Global Center of Excellence for Water

With more than 20 years of experience with successful engagements in diverse geographies and cross-border, our +200 fellow Water practitioners from 65 locations around the globe with diverse competencies as hydrologists, environmental economists, engineers and infrastructure specialists, water policy experts, technology innovators, and sustainability experts can provide you with the benefits of global capabilities and regional insights, supporting your Water Resilience Transformation journey with tailored approaches and state-of-the-art digital solutions.

PwC Centre for Nature Positive Business 

 PwC’s Global Centre for Nature Positive Business unites more than 500 nature specialists from across our network. Bringing together knowledge in biodiversity, water, forestry, regenerative agriculture and geospatial analysis, the Centre is accelerating the global transition to a nature positive and net zero future – in other words, to take measures that preserve the earth’s natural resources instead of consuming them. This ranges from data collection, strategy development and implementation to reporting.

“Water – a vital natural resource, the nourishing environment for aquatic & marine ecosystems, a regulating factor for Climate, and a fundamental Human Right, is under increasing pressures. The time is now for businesses to transform themselves towards a water-resilient operating model.”

Nhung Kieu,Senior Manager and Water SME Lead for PwC’s Global Centre of Nature-Positive Business
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Robert  Kammerer

Robert Kammerer

Partner, Sustainability Services, PwC Germany

Nhung Kieu

Nhung Kieu

Senior Manager, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 170 7695856
