Managing volatility with Forecast Plus

Human expertise enriched by AI perfection

Your expert for questions

Prof. Dr. Frauke Schleer-van Gellecom
Partner Transformation – Predictive
Excellence at PwC Germany
Tel: +49 175 6970 969

Digital transformation with human and machine

The finance function is the centre where essential information from the company flows together. The core task is to evaluate this information and translate it into concrete measures for corporate steering. The key to success lies in the collection of all data that depict which key factors will influence the business in the future. In a volatile economic environment where conditions and information change quickly and frequently, speed to decision-making plays a decisive role. Only those who get in front of the wave can act quickly and correctly.

Get on the road to the future with your team. Make financial forecasts with highest accuracy. If you want to make better informed decisions, concentrate on value-creating tasks and manage your company based on data, the modern solution is called Forecast Plus - the digital transformation with human and machine. Your advantage: In this model-based data analysis for decision-making, bits support the gut.

Your advantage: If you use a model-based data analysis for decision-making, you can substantiate your gut feeling - or, of course, critically question it. Planning, controlling and risk management become more accurate than ever before.

Human expertise and artificial intelligence in perfect harmony

Save time and costs

Forecast Plus generates financial forecasts at the touch of a button according to previously agreed criteria, enabling you to react more quickly to market changes. Automation makes it possible to generate forecasts 4 to 10 times more frequently than before, while requiring fewer resources and leaving more time for value-adding activities.

Earn trust

With 95 to 99.5 percent accuracy, our AI-powered forecasts provide an objective, unbiased and data-driven basis for decision-making, but business experience and gut instinct are also important. This allows you to plan more precisely. You can also build digital capabilities and digitise the finance function.

Act entrepreneurial

Only the combination of internal and external data provides a sufficient data basis. With Forecast Plus, we analyse the drivers of your business development based on over 1 million external influencing factors and create exciting insights. The deeper knowledge of the strategic drivers allows hypotheses and more far-reaching forecasts.

Financial Forecasting with Forecast Plus

Save time and costs

Inaccurate forecasts tempt to mismanage the business, to initiate misguided measures and to weaken the trust of business partners and the capital market. 

Until now, forecasts have often been time-consuming and tied up costly resources. The data basis is predominantly based on internal data; external data is not available in a sufficiently structured manner and difficult to link with internal data. Planning cycles often take a very long time. This means that the necessary flexibility to react to short-term changes is lacking. The all-important momentum of action is often missed.

Moreover, many CFOs and financial managers are left with the feeling that they have not taken all the information into account or have no objective basis for decision-making - at the expense of strategic corporate planning. All the more, there is a need for more efficient planning of financial KPIs with reliable and objective results.

Earn trust

Forecast Plus uses machine learning models to create a decision-making basis for corporate steering from your data. It also incorporates numerous external data from your business environment, such as industry, competitors, political and social influencing factors. The industry-specific driver catalogue "PwC Business Driver Database" alone comprises more than one million external business drivers. This enables you to generate new insights into the key drivers of your business with maximum precision and in the shortest possible time, and to identify urgent areas for action.

In regular insight sessions, we jointly analyse results in order to draw the maximum potential from the generated results and to ensure the forecast quality over time. In upskilling sessions, we pass on additional data science and forecasting know-how to you and your employees so that the digital transformation of your finance function contributes optimally to increasing the value of your company.

Act entrepreneurial

Strong together with Forecast Plus: your experts and ours work hand in hand to build the foundation for a new trust in your company. Business and industry specialists develop a vision for the future forecasting method based on extensive industry knowledge. Data scientists are then responsible for designing and building the customised forecasting model for you. The respective finance experts are responsible for the forward-looking implementation of the forecasting process.

Operationalisation of AI-based forecasting
The benchmark of our service is always the consideration of the comprehensive impact on your business. To start with, a pilot illustrates the precision of AI-based forecasting based on the relevant external drivers. If everything fits, the pilot is extended to other areas and the method is anchored in the entire company. The result is "Forecasting as a Service"! In the process, we at PwC ensure continuous efficiency and reliability. Together we increase the potential of the solution designed especially for you. Our flexible tariff model is based on your requirements and the desired contract duration.

The road to becoming a data-driven company

We can help you on the road to becoming a data-driven company

You would like to…

  • ... start a Predictive Planning Project?
    “Bring your Data”: We are happy to show you In a demo session with  your corporate data how predictive planning can help you for your business – please contact us to make an appointment.
  • ... combine Human expertise and AI perfection?
    Forecast Plus enrich Human expertise, e.g. through Finance domain knowledge and Industry know-how, with State-of-the-art AI based forecast – please contact us to profit from a tailor-made discussion on that with our experts
  • ... develop your tailor-made Forecasting Solution?
    You can use our software solution as Forecasting-as-a-Service, alternatively we also offer the implementation of AI (and cloud) based forecasting solutions.
  • ... understand best practices and where you stand compared to benchmarks and peers?
    With our PwC benchmark analysis, you will learn how your peers integrate AI-based forecasting solutions into their planning and reporting and which best practices can be derived for your business. 
  • ... valuate the impact of external indicators on your business?
    With our business driver database, we create an automated analysis of the external drivers of your business environment and derive control-relevant findings together with you.
  • ... upskill your employees to work on the cutting edge of change?
    Train your employees through our PwC Forecast Upskilling program, especially with a focus on forecasting.
  • ... have a data-driven company?
    Benefit from working with PwC and Forecast Plus, our AI-supported planning, reporting and analytics platform.
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Roland Werner

Roland Werner

Finance Transformation Leader, PwC Germany
