Transformation Assurance

Building trust and managing risk for a successful transformation.

Your expert for questions

Ingo Bauer
Head of Transformation Assurance at PwC Germany

Completing transformations successfully

Megatrends such as digitalization, automation and technological innovations are currently revolutionizing the world of work. Working methods with which companies have been successful for decades are being replaced by new approaches. This change poses great challenges for companies. The economic pressure it creates is forcing companies to consistently tackle the transformation and develop a digital mindset. This includes, for example, creating advanced business models, setting up future-proof IT systems, developing additional markets, launching new products and services, working with business analytics and switching to agile working methods.

“The turnaround is inevitable for companies, but at the same time there is always the risk of setbacks. The failure of projects can result in considerable costs for companies and can set the Group back a long way in its development.”

Ingo Bauer,Head of Transformation Assurance PwC Germany

It happens again and again, for example, that companies fail to implement new IT systems due to excessive complexity and projects are cancelled or not completed in the planned time, cost, quality or scope. As a result, they no longer create the expected - or only limited - benefits for the business. A failed IT project in Germany costs on average 1.1 million euros. There are numerous risks during the implementation process. Less than 20-30 percent of transformation and change initiatives are successful, mainly because people are not properly picked up, because they share little or no common direction and because there is a lack of measurability.

Transformation Assurance contributes to a successful governance structure by identifying potential problems and risks to the project stakeholders on the basis of future-oriented indicators, so that suitable measures can be derived at an early stage and project investments secured.

The customer's vision in view

In various business areas, companies have to deal with a variety of transformation projects, including:

  • System change, for example Enterprise Resource Planning or Custom Development – to SAP S/4HANA
  • Further development of the delivery model, towards an Agile & DevOps environment
  • Adaptation of the business model and organization, for example with the support of shared service centers and sourcing
  • Regulatory changes, for example the implementation of the DSGVO and ensuring product compliance
  • Generally Accepted Accounting Principles-Änderungen, zum Beispiel Leasing und Revenue Recognition
  • Innovation and development of new products
  • Mergers & Acquisitions and Carve-outs
  • Change management and empowerment of human resources

In the area of Transformation Assurance, certified experts with sound knowledge and many years of experience in the implementation of systems such as Oracle, SAP or SAP S/4HANA as well as diverse practical experience in the auditing of IT projects but also in project management – both traditional and agile.

Our services

Program management

Our cross-project support function within the digital Project Management Office (PMO) for the introduction and optimization of project management systems through services such as risk management, project controlling and quality management.

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Program & Project Assurance

Implementing large IT projects in a compliant manner, this service helps with project consulting and management, especially with regard to compliance issues.

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Agile & DevOps

We advise your company on the path to agility across all levels - from Agile Governance & Compliance, Agile Coaching, Agile Operations to comprehensive Enterprise Agility. With our certified and experienced employees we accompany you into the world of agility.

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Test management services

We support our customers in setting up a strategic, company-wide test management organization as well as in the planning, conception and implementation of operational test management to achieve the goals of IT projects.

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Navigating projects through the crisis

Crises often hit the world unprepared and lead to massive cuts in society and the economy within a very short time: companies are forced to focus their business activities on maintaining their immediate economic power up to their ability to survive.

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“As a leading Trusted Advisor for transformation programs, we help our clients protect project investments and generate sustainable value. Together, we focus on the core objectives of a successful transformation and identify the risks in a timely manner.”

Ingo Bauer,Head of Transformation Assurance at PwC Germany

Our services at a glance

“According to our 22nd Global CEO Survey 2019, German top managers are most concerned about the following issues: the search for skilled workers with Schlüsselqualifikationen, overregulation and the increasing speed of technological change. Our Transformation Assurance Services address these issues to provide our clients with regulatory and digital transformation security and provide qualified personnel to do so.”

Roland Sanio,Partner Transformation Assurance

Together with the client, we analyse how we can reach the goal and include the client's competencies and strengths. We focus on both service delivery and results in order to ensure the client's strategic vision.

Through our relevant experience in the individual industries, technologies and transformation projects, we know which factors make for a successful transformation. Accordingly, we can quickly offer and establish the right type of support. PwC has already implemented and supported many successful projects in this proven combination, for example:

  • Support for a global medical technology group in various carve out projects
  • Support of a global health care company in quality assurance within the scope of a template rollout for S/4HANA
  • Advising the financial services provider of an automobile manufacturer on its digitalization strategy for the web-based conclusion of inspection and maintenance contracts

Contact us

Ingo Bauer

Ingo Bauer

Partner, PwC Germany

Roland Sanio

Roland Sanio

Partner, PwC Germany

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