Responsible AI

In the movies, AI often takes over the world. In companies, it takes over the role that it is given.

Trust in Transformation: Put your trust in a partner who shares profound expertise in Artificial Intelligence and works closely with you to integrate the key technology of the coming decade into your business successfully.

Your expert for questions

Hendrik Reese
Partner Responsible AI at PwC Germany

Trust is the key for a successful AI transformation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now a central part of our professional and private lives. However, it still provokes uncertainty and reluctance among many people. What would happen, for example, if your voice-activated assistant records every conversation? What if a child is recommended to watch a film that is rated 18 and over? Or what if the automated driving assistant chooses to accelerate your car – even though the vehicle in front is putting on the brakes?

These scenarios need to be avoided by developing, operating and maintaining them in a secure and trusted manner. Building digital trust in new technologies like AI relies on users perceiving them as safe and dependable. To really trust decisions made by AI, users expect transparent and fair outcomes.

What we stand for

Cross-functional teams

We put together a team of experts that is specifically suited to your needs and your industry – from developing and integrating use cases through to AI and data governance, as well as processes, controls and third-party assurance.

Technological expertise

The technological expertise of our team ensures a successful integration of trusted AI technologies into business processes, and the effective scaling of AI innovation within the specific context of your company.

Thought leadership

With our strong national and international network in the area of AI, we play a central role in shaping the development of AI standards and regulatory guidelines on all levels.

Holistic perspective

We always take a holistic view to make sure our clients bring their vision to life, achieve their strategic goals and create trust in their AI projects. We do this by developing specific approaches that are adapted to each client’s individual aims.

Artificial Intelligence requires transparency and security

Responsible AI as a competitive advantage

To provide reliable results, the AI system itself must be protected against external attacks and manipulations. Regulatory requirements and standards for Artificial Intelligence can give users a sense of clarity. Specific compliance requirements that must be met are not clearly formulated within existing frameworks and lack concrete guidance on how to enforce them into practice. Building digital trust throughout the entire AI life cycle, based on the applicable guidelines, is one of the key challenges that companies face. At the same time, responsible AI offers German companies a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to differentiate themselves from national and international competitors, and to drive projects forward more quickly with this new technology.

Trust as the basis of successful AI projects

Standards and guidelines for AI compliance provide the framework conditions to build users’ trust in AI services and products – and to ensure success. For this reason, it is extremely important that guidelines and standards for responsible AI are continuously developed, and that they are discussed openly across industries and sectors.

That is also decisive for PwC. As a thought-leader for responsible AI, our expert team stands out for its deep technological knowledge. This enables our experts to identify potential risks for AI projects at an early stage, while also placing a strong focus on people by using the technology in a transparent way and considering upcoming regulatory and compliance-related changes early on. This creates a secure environment for innovation and investments related to AI projects. We support companies in building trust in AI as the foundation for successful implementation.

How PwC helps to build trust in AI

To remain competitive in the digital age, it is essential for companies to take a strategic approach for using AI. Security and transparency are the keys to use AI at scale. We know from our experience that many AI projects fail within the experimentation phase – or shortly afterwards. Success relies on implementing digital trust in the entire AI life cycle, from considering data protection questions during data collection, through to potential bias in model training and uncertainty when it comes to the performance and robustness of AI services or products when they are used. To extract the full potential of AI, it is vitally important for companies to define the right organisational and technological measures, and to implement them into services and products effectively. We support you with this: We guide you through the necessary steps and accompany you on the journey to a successful AI transformation.

Hand auf Tablet

EU AI Act Whitepaper: Trustworthy AI – European regulation and its implementation

Discover the key aspects of AI regulation in Europe in our whitepaper and learn more about the synergy potential of scaling and regulation as well as the implications of the EU AI Act. We explore holistic AI governance focussed on compliance and quality.

Download now

Overview of our services


We build digital trust by defining suitable AI governance structures, steering processes and controls – while considering the unique requirements and risks of the specific company. This involves:

  • Defining an appropriate AI risk management approach and the related AI guidelines, as well as defining suitable KPIs for effective steering and monitoring of your AI developments.
  • Deriving processes and controls for specific AI projects, while considering the internal AI guidelines, the individual risks and the business requirements.


Together with you and your experts, we increase transparency and trust by analysing your AI environment, processes and controls. If this reveals potential problems, we develop solutions. We define realistic expectations and an appropriate risk management approach by: 

  • Conducting a maturity assessment based on your AI governance and risk management structures.
  • Evaluating the existing controls and AI guidelines while considering relevant regulations, standards and requirements – and how they differ from best practice examples.
  • Defining organisational and technological measures for securing and optimising compliant processes throughout the AI life cycle.

Third-Party Assurance

We join forces with you to ensure compliance with the highest quality standards, and the transparent presentation of this technology in line with your specific requirements. We create trust in this application through:

  • Evaluating the fulfilment of specific criteria that the AI service needs to meet according to the established criteria catalogue on the market, e.g. the BSI AIC4.
  • Applying best practices from the relevant industries or sectors in line with established standards, framework conditions and criteria catalogues.
  • Evaluating and reporting on the compliance of internal AI control systems based on an audit report in line with ISAE 3000 (Revised).

“Today, businesses have the opportunity to prepare for future challenges related to regulation. If they successfully position themselves as a leader, they can seize an enormous competitive advantage. This can make Artificial Intelligence “Made in Germany” a true stamp of quality and accelerate the digital transformation in Germany.”

Hendrik Reese,Partner Responsible AI at PwC Germany
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Hendrik Reese

Hendrik Reese

Partner, Responsible AI Lead, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 151 70423201
