Digital Innovation & Platform Business

Technology Consulting | CIO Advisory

Your expert for questions

Martin Röser

Martin Röser
Director at PwC Germany

Our Perspective

Digital transformation and platform economy is one of the most impactful megatrends in today’s digitalised world. Platforms are in nearly every area of life such as mobility, manufacturing, healthcare, etc. Key players on the market are starting their own platforms or build bridges with others. With our offering “Digital Innovation & Platform Business” we address relevant questions of decision makers. We help business leaders to create a guided path to innovation by developing the right methods that generate insight-based ideas, and to select, produce and commercialise the most valuable and viable results, e.g. prototypes, use cases, business models. We leverage our market perspective, global and technology trends to identify digital-led product and customer opportunities. We also look out for non-traditional competitors from outside the industry with new and different business models, e.g. digital platform-based business models.

A digital platform is an intermediate, which connects two or more market actors, and ease or enable interactions. Emerging technologies such as IoT, AI and Cloud have become the key enablers for digital platform business. For our customers, we see three major potential areas: improvement of core business, leveraging of existing and new digital business, and disruption by new innovative solutions.

Our Service Offering

Seize Opportunities

Understand the purpose of your digital business. We help you understand the rational for your digital activities by showing the market potential and digital market dynamics. Together, we define a concrete target state of your digital business model using a customer-centric approach and define your value proposition, your future positioning on the market and ways to play.

Design Capabilities

Establish a strong foundation and prototype. In concerted effort with you we define customer-centric digital and platform-oriented business models and services. Additionally, we define digital capabilities your organization needs to build up in order to deliver digital value to your customers. We also guide you towards the target state in an agile way, with constant market validation using MVPs and pilot solutions and products.

Build Technology

Find the right technology and partners for your digital platform business. As PwC, we help you to define what is the best-fit technology and platform for your organization to design, develop and launch digital platform services and solutions. Thanks to our strong network we will provide you with top-notch technical partners to realize your digital capabilities, solution and products.

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Operate & Scale-up

Expand your digital solutions company-wide. We provide guidance in scaling up your digital solutions and services from a single use case to a platform business and help you to operate on a divisional or company level with a suitable operating model.

IoT Trust

Mobilize Connected World through Digital Trust. An IoT environment is complex and it’s made up of numerous connected devices. The resulting extensive and complex data processing chains raise questions about control and monitoring for both the provider of IoT services and the user itself. To ensure that your IoT engagement is transformed into a trusted solution, we help you assess risk and design your IoT governance processes and controls to ensure a strong IoT governance and meet the compliance requirements.

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"We’re guiding our clients on their path to innovative, platform-based businesses, products and services by developing the right methods that helps them to generate and implement user-centric ideas in combination with game-changing technology."

Martin Röser,Director at PwC Germany

Our references

Strategic entry into IoT market for medium-sized technology company

A medium-sized tech company was faced with serious changes in the hardware sector, its core business. To respond to this situation it wanted to identify growth areas around the Internet of Things (IoT) where it could open up new revenue streams through innovative offerings and solutions.

Digitization of public utility company

Any modern city now has a digital agenda that includes digitisation and new technologies, of course, and for Vienna this includes its "Smart City Wien" strategy and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Digitizing family owned businesses and the middle market

Bosch is in the midst of the greatest transformation in its history to become a leading Internet of Things (IoT) company.

Digital platform strategy - the way into the digital realm for professional audio equipment manufacturer

A leader in professional audio equipment is ready to stand out in the digital world, developing brand new digital platform solutions for its customers.

Strategic Business diversification with ioT business for smart energy management solution provider

A global submetering provider is seeking for opportunities to leverage existing IoT capabilities and to enter new industries.

Innovation strategy & business incubator for automotive supplier

One of the world's leading German automotive suppliers for internal combustion engines, whose success is at risk in the long term due to the increasing interest in electronic mobility.

Business model ideation and evaluation for manufacturer of luxury shower trays and bathtubs

A family-owned German manufacturer for luxury shower trays and bathtubs requires Design Thinking approach to identify pain points and to develop a digital solution in order to improve customer service.

Strategy and design of an intermodal mobility platform for transport association

A transport association was faced with the challenge of exploiting the trends in the mobility sector and implementing them in a user-centric way for its intermodal mobility platform, including the associated products and processes.

BHCS – Molecular Diagnostics

How can we establish and market a new technology successfully in the IoT market and beyond?

Tech Evaluation

How can we establish and market a new technology successfully in the IoT market and beyond?

Do you have any questions? PwC will provide answers

  • Why do we need to enter the market for digital platform business?
  • How can we identify and realize the right digital opportunities (internal/external)?
  • How do we build the right digital capabilities?
  • How do we build platform-oriented business models and the platforms themselves?
  • How to bring our digital products & services to  market?
  • What is our roadmap to integrate our digital initiatives in one scalable platform?
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Contact us

Martin Röser

Martin Röser

Director, Digital Platform Business Advisory, PwC Germany

Arne Linnemüller

Arne Linnemüller

Advisory, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 151 62459732

Christopher Gebauer

Christopher Gebauer

Manager, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 175 7332452
