Private Equity

We see the bigger picture.

Your expert for questions

Steve Roberts
PE Leader Germany & EMEA
Tel: +49 69 9585-1950

Many experts. One solution.

No matter if private equity house or portfolio company – we support you in all phases of an investment: from mergers & acquisitions to deals & consulting as well as valuation, tax services, audit & accounting and exit services. Our specialists have a profound knowledge and long-term experience in transactional environment and therefore are well acquainted with the multifaceted challenges in the private equity sector.

“Our specialised private equity professionals, their extensive network geared toward the needs of large and middle market companies, and their personal consulting approach make PwC’s offering unique: Private equity – a people’s business.”

Steve Roberts,PE Leader Germany & EMEA

Our services

Our M&A experts provide you with comprehensive advice on mergers and acquisitions.

Our experts support companies throughout the entire transaction process right through to successful completion.

We work with you to develop progressive business models and services.

We provide an overview of all tax issues relevant to you and develop solutions together.

Optimally prepared for IPOs, exits and bond issues with our expertise.

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Your experts at PwC

Steve Roberts
Steve Roberts

Partner, PE Leader Germany & EMEA, PwC Germany

Dr. Ralf Ulrich Braunagel
Dr. Ralf Ulrich Braunagel

Partner, PE Tax Leader, PwC Germany

Wir begleiten Sie mit unserer steuerlichen Beratung von der Akquisition über die Portfolio-Phase bis hin zum Exit, um gemeinsam mit Ihnen für Ihren Deal einen Mehrwert zu schaffen. Wir verfügen über langjährige Erfahrung über alle möglichen Transaktionsgrößen sowie über alle Arten von Transaktionen bis hin zu Börsengängen und dem Delisting von Unternehmen.

Klaus Bernhard
Klaus Bernhard

PE Assurance Leader & ESG in Deals Partner, PwC Germany

Klaus Bernhard is Deals Partner and Assurance Private Equity Leader and advises companies on all questions relating to accounting and reporting in the context of corporate transactions, also with regard to sustainability throughout the entire deal life cycle.

Elena Naydenova
Elena Naydenova

Senior Manager, Head of PE Business Development, PwC Germany

Daniel Spengemann
Daniel Spengemann

Wirtschaftsprüfung, PwC Germany

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Contact us

Steve Roberts

Steve Roberts

Partner, PE Leader Germany & EMEA, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 69 9585-1950